Technical Safety

  • ISO Certification Services -
    ISO 9001, 14001, 45001 -
    Saudi Arabia KSA -
  • Factory/Store Audits -
    Food, Apparel and textiles Inspections -
    Best ISO 9001 Consultant -
  • Bags and accessories -
    ISO Audits for Business -
    Seafood, Meat, Processed Food -
  • ISO Standards Training Courses -
    ISO Training Courses -
    Quality Management System -
    Health and Safety Company-
ISO SASO Certified Company :: ISO Certification, Training, Courses

Services At a Glance

ISO certification services in Saudi Arabia by best premier SASO certified COC company are ISO Certification Service, ISO 9001, 14001, 45001, Factory/Store Audit, Food, Apparel and textile Inspection, Best ISO 9001 Consultant, Bag and accessories, ISO Audit for Business, Seafood, Meat, Processed Food, ISO Standard Training Course, Quality Management System, FOOD & AGRICULTURE QUALITY CONTROL Testing, PRODUCT QUALITY CONTROL Testing, iso Health and Safety in Riyadh Saudi Arabia KSA.

ISO 9001 Quality Management System

This training will help participants to audit, develop and maintain the quality management systems.


Technical Safety Consultants offer food quality control solutions that help your business conform to quality and industry standards at every stage in your food supply chain.

In today’s world, food safety incidents present considerable risk. From the farm to the table, each stage encounters challenges in ensuring product safety, quality, and effectiveness.

Whether you are a grower or food packer, or play a crucial role in the food supply chain, it is your responsibility to demonstrate integrity and prioritize safety right from the source. Technical Safety Consultants can be your partner to ensure food quality control is maintained at every stage in your supply chain.

We serve the following industries:
- Seafood Quality Control: Inspection, Testing, and Audits
- Processed Food Inspections, Testing, Audits, and Certification Services
- Inspections, Testing, and Audit Services for Meat Quality Control
- Grain Quality Control – Inspections, Testing, and Audits
- Fumigation and Pesticides Testing and Inspection Services
- Fruits and Vegetable Inspections and Quality Control
- Food Quality Assurance Services

Our food services encompass:
Agriculture: Grains, Rice, Vegetables, and Fruits

Seafood: Frozen, Refrigerated, and Dried Seafood

Other Food: Dairy Products, Meat and Poultry Products, Processed Food, Condiments, Spices, and More.

We comply with national laws and regulations, conducting quality services based on the following standards:

Food Sampling Inspection Standards: CAC/GL 50-2004, ISO 8423:1991, GB/T 30642, etc.
Food Sensory Evaluation Standards: CODEX, ISO, GB, and other classification standards.
Food Testing and Analysis Standards: Domestic and international standards covering microbiology detection, pesticide residue detection, physicochemical analysis, etc.
Factory/Store Audit Standards: ISO9000, ISO14000, ISO22000, HACCP.

Our food quality assurance services include:

- Factory/Store Audits
- Food Inspections
- Pre-production Inspection (PPI)
- During Production Inspection (DPI)
- Pre-shipment Inspection (PSI)
- Loading/Unloading Supervision (LS/US)
- Production Monitoring
- Survey

Our food auditor will assess your products based on several criteria, such as visual inspection, weight measurement, temperature control, package check, sugar concentration testing, salinity detection, ice glazing check, and chromatic aberration inspection.

Food and Agricultural Products Testing

We can take a sample on-site and perform third-party laboratory testing and analysis. Our food and agriculture testing services include:
- Pollution Detection
- Residue Detection
- Microorganism Detection
- Physico-Chemical Analysis
- Heavy Metal Detection
- Dye Detection
- Water Quality Measurement
- Food Nutrition Label Analysis
- Food Contact Materials Testing

Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you maintain quality control at every stage in your food supply chain.


Quality control and quality assurance are crucial for businesses to maintain product quality and meet customer expectations and regulations, irrespective of the industry. Technical Safety Consultants offers an extensive range of consumer quality control services that encompass quality control inspections and consumer product testing against standards like REACH, RoHS, CA Prop 65, and more, ensuring that your suppliers deliver products that meet your quality specifications.

*We service a diverse array of consumer goods including:*
- Apparel and textiles
- Automotive parts and accessories
- Electronics
- Personal care and cosmetics
- Home and garden products
- Toys and children’s items
- Footwear
- Bags and accessories
- Hardgoods

*What is Product Quality Control?*
Quality Control (QC) involves activities related to the quality of project deliverables. These activities help ensure that deliverables are of acceptable quality, complete, and correct. QC activities include inspection, deliverable peer reviews, and the testing process.

*What is Retail Quality Assurance?*
Unlike other business types that manufacture products from raw materials, retail businesses usually sell pre-produced goods. This sector includes diverse models like e-commerce, mail order, vending machines, and more. Quality assurance in retail aims to identify and fix defects before products reach the market, thus preventing customer dissatisfaction and enhancing the retail experience.

*Quality Assurance vs Quality Control*
While both Quality Assurance (QA) and Quality Control (QC) aim to enhance product quality, they differ in their focus. QA is process-oriented, focusing on defect prevention and involves activities like process checklists, project audits, and developing methodologies and standards. QC, on the other hand, is product-oriented and focuses on identifying defects.

*Enhancing Product Quality in Retail*
In today’s complex supply chain environment, product recalls and returns pose significant challenges. Manufacturers, brands, and retailers must ensure their products meet consumer expectations, global regulations, and safety and quality standards to avoid unexpected costs and risks to consumers and brand reputation. Technical Safety Consultants’ quality control services, provided by our professional and technical staff across major production hubs, collaborate closely with you to identify and mitigate quality concerns before products are distributed.

*Factory and Supplier Audits by Technical Safety Consultants*

*Comprehensive Supplier Evaluation*
In a highly competitive market, it's crucial to establish a reliable vendor base that meets all your production needs—from design and quality to timely delivery. Factory and supplier audits are essential to this evaluation process, ensuring that your vendors consistently meet high standards.

*Our Audit Services Include:*
- *Manufacturer Audits*: Assess overall production capabilities and quality control processes.
- *Social Compliance Audits*: Evaluate adherence to social and ethical standards.
- *Building and Safety Audits*: Inspect structural safety and adherence to safety regulations.
- *Energy and Environmental Audits*: Analyze energy use and environmental impact to promote sustainability.
- *Factory Production Control*: Monitor the quality and efficiency of the production process.

*Key Audit Checkpoints:*
- Verification of company legality and financial stability.
- Assessment of human resources and labor practices.
- Evaluation of export capabilities and order management systems.
- Detailed review of manufacturing facilities, equipment, and production capacity.
- Analysis of in-house quality systems and management effectiveness.

*Value of Our Audits:*
Our factory and supplier audits provide a detailed overview of a supplier's operational strengths and areas needing improvement, helping you make informed decisions and foster beneficial relationships. These audits are instrumental in streamlining your vendor base, enhancing overall supply chain performance, and reducing costs.

*Skilled Auditors and Ethical Standards:*
Our auditors are rigorously trained in the latest auditing techniques and ethical standards, ensuring thoroughness and integrity in every audit. Regular updates and continuous training keep our team adept at handling evolving industry challenges.

*Customizable and Strategic Audits:*
Leverage our global experience and best practices for an audit process that not only evaluates basic compliance but also offers value-added assessments to enhance supplier performance and sustainability.

*Engage Technical Safety Consultants for Trusted Factory and Supplier Audits in Saudi Arabia.*
Discover how our audit services can optimize your supply chain and contribute to your company's success. Contact us today to enhance your vendor selection and management processes.

ISO 9001:2015 is a worldwide standard that sets requirements for a strong Quality Management System. It details specific processes, procedures and activities that organizations must create, implement, maintain and improve in order to successfully manage making products or delivering services.
ISO 9001 is a globally recognized standard for quality management. It helps organizations of all sizes and sectors to improve their performance, meet customer expectations and demonstrate their commitment to quality. Its requirements define how to establish, implement, maintain, and continually improve a quality management system (QMS). Implementing ISO 9001 means your organization has put in place effective processes and trained staff to deliver flawless products or services time after time.
A quality management system (QMS) is defined as a formalized system that documents processes, procedures, and responsibilities for achieving quality policies and objectives. A QMS helps coordinate and direct an organization’s activities to meet customer and regulatory requirements and improve its effectiveness and efficiency on a continuous basis. ISO 9001:2015, the international standard specifying requirements for quality management systems, is the most prominent approach to quality management systems. While some use the term "QMS" to describe the ISO 9001 standard or the group of documents detailing the QMS, it actually refers to the entirety of the system. The documents only serve to describe the system.
With more than one million certificates issued to organizations in 189 countries, ISO 9001 is the most widely used quality management standard in the world. Within the ISO 9000 family, which defines seven quality management principles including a strong customer focus and continual improvement, ISO 9001 is the only standard that can be certified to (though certification is not mandatory). Business benefits include:

• Customer confidence: The standard ensures that organizations have robust quality control processes in place, leading to increased customer trust and satisfaction. • Effective complaint resolution: ISO 9001 offers guidelines for resolving customer complaints efficiently, contributing to timely and satisfactory problem-solving. • Process improvement: The standard helps identify and eliminate inefficiencies, reduce waste, streamline operations, and promote informed decision-making, resulting in cost savings and better outcomes. • Ongoing optimization: Regular audits and reviews encouraged by ISO 9001 enable organizations to continually refine their quality management systems, stay competitive, and achieve long-term success.

Benefits of ISO 9001: • Increased customer trust and satisfaction • Sound quality control processes • Cost savings and productivity gains • Culture of continuous improvement
The ISO 9000 family consists of the world's best known standard for quality management systems (QMS), ISO 9001, along with a set of supporting standards on quality management, all published by ISO/TC 176 and its subcommittees.
ISO 9000 is defined as a set of international standards on quality management and quality assurance developed to help companies effectively document the quality system elements needed to maintain an efficient quality system. They are not specific to any one industry and can be applied to organizations of any size.
ISO 9000 can help a company satisfy its customers, meet regulatory requirements, and achieve continual improvement. It should be considered to be a first step or the base level of a quality system.
The ISO 9000 family of standards is the same across the globe even though they are called by different names. Each member country has its own entity authorized by ISO to manage the standards, but they are all the same exact ISO 9000 quality documents.
The ISO 9000 series was created by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) as international requirements and guidelines for quality management systems. It was originally introduced in 1987 and over the years has established itself in the global economy having been adopted in over 178 countries with over one million registrations.
The phrase “ISO 9000 family” or “ISO 9000 series” refers to a group of quality management standards which are process standards (not product standards).

• ISO 9000 Quality management systems – Fundamentals and Vocabulary, referenced in all ISO 9000 Standards.
• ISO 9001 Quality management systems – Requirements, contains the requirements an organization must comply with to become ISO 9001 certified.
• ISO 9002 – Guidelines for the application of ISO 9001:2015
• ISO 9004 – Managing for the sustained success of an organization, provides guidelines for sustaining QMS success through evaluation and performance improvement.

ISO 9001:2015 is the current version of the ISO 9001 standard. ISO 9001 lists requirements, while the other standards in the 9000 family provide guidelines and information. People often say “ISO 9000 certified“, but what they mean is they have met the requirements of the ISO 9001 standard.
The ISO 9000 Series of Quality Standards is not industry-specific and is applicable to any manufacturing, distribution, or service organization. It is managed by Technical Committee (TC) 176, comprised of international members from many industries and backgrounds.
The ISO 9001 Standard is contained within the ISO 9000 family of quality management Standards. ISO 9001:2015 is the current Standard that defines all the requirements needed to create a quality management system that offers the following:

• Meet customers’ needs through consistent quality achieved across all products and services.
• Meet demands for continuous improvement to enhance customer satisfaction.
• Increase efficiency across your business procedures and processes.
• Win more contracts and tenders to increase your revenues.
• Adopt streamlined processes to save costs, reduce errors and improve productivity.

There are lots of benefits ISO 9001 can provide for both your business and your customers. But, none of these can be achieved without following the principles of ISO 9001.
As of September 2023, the current version of the ISO 9001 standard is ISO 9001:2015.

However, that may not be the case for much longer. ISO Technical Committee 176, Sub-Committee 2 recently voted to start a revision of the ISO 9001 standard with immediate effect.

This means that, in all likelihood, ISO 9001:2015 will be replaced by an updated version of ISO 9001 within the next few years.

ISO 9001:2015 was published in September 2015. It replaced ISO 9001:2008 and it remains the current version of ISO 9001 - at least for now.

ISO 9001:2015 has been in use for eight years at this point, making it older than the 2008 version was when it was retired. This is not to say that change is overdue; in fact, the current standard wasn't scheduled for review until 2026, but the result of the ISO/TC 176/SC 2 ballot means that it will receive an early revision.
ISO 9001:2008 is a quality management system standard, first published in 1987 by ISO (International Organization for Standardization). This standard is designed to help organizations ensure that they meet all requirements of customers and stakeholders.
It is neither an industry nor product specific standard. Organizations of all sizes and types can be certified against ISO 9001. This standard can be used by manufacturing or service providing companies. This standard assures quality for all interested parties involved in businesses that are certified.
ISO 9001 is considered as a key factor for doing business in global markets and for improving competitiveness.
Going by how close these numbers are, one might imagine there are few distinctions between these two standards. This, however, is not entirely true.
The key difference: ISO 9000 is something you read up on and get familiar with to understand all of the other specific standards, while ISO 9001 is something that you put actions behind to implement.
ISO 9000 is essentially a collection of vocabulary and definitions for the entire quality management series, whereas the main purpose of ISO 9001 is for the business owner to take action toward more quality procedures. This allows the business owner and company personnel to see a clear difference between where they are currently and where they want to be.
The most common Management System Standards include:

• ISO9001 – Quality
• ISO14001 – Environment
• ISO45001 – Health and Safety
• ISO27001 – Information Security
• ISO22301 – Business Continuity
• ISO13485 – Medical Devices
• ISO17020 – Competence In Inspection
• ISO17025 – Testing and Calibration
• ISO22000 – Food Safety Management
There are a range of drivers but the most common are:

• To improve risk management
• To provide assurance
• To satisfy tender criteria
• To match or surpass competitors
• To access new markets
• To attract new customers
There are five requirements to achieve ISO 9001 certification:

1. Quality Management Systems (QMS)
2. Management Responsibility
3. Resource Management
4. Product Realization
5. Measurement, Analysis, and Improvement
The ISO 9001 standard requires your organisation address seven key areas – also known as clauses – in order to achieve continual improvement within your Quality Management System:

1. Context of the organisation
2. Leadership
3. Planning
4. Support
5. Operation
6. Performance evaluation
7. Improvement
ISO 9001 is an internationally recognized set of requirements for creating the rules, policies, processes, and procedures to provide products and services that meet customer needs, and improve customer satisfaction. The Quality Management System standard is maintained by the International Organization for Standardization, and is agreed upon by a majority of member countries in this organization so that it can be recognized internationally and is accepted as the gold standard for the processes to be used worldwide for the QMS.
Step-by-step process to implement ISO 9001

Step 1 - Management Commitment and Planning
The first step is to obtain commitment from top management to implement ISO 9001. This involves setting quality objectives, establishing a quality policy, and allocating necessary resources. Management should also appoint responsibility for overseeing the implementation process. Step 2 - Gap Analysis
Perform a thorough gap analysis to assess the current state of your organization's quality management system (QMS) against the requirements of ISO 9001. Identify areas that need improvement and develop an action plan to address the gaps. Step 3 - QMS Documentation
Develop a set of documents that define your QMS. This may include a quality manual, process flow charts, procedures, registers, work instructions, template forms and records. Ensure that these documents are aligned with the ISO 9001 standard and tailored to your organization's processes and requirements. Step 4 - Training and Awareness
Provide appropriate training to employees on the requirements of ISO 9001 and the organization's QMS. Ensure that everyone understands their roles and responsibilities in achieving quality objectives. Create awareness throughout the organization about the importance of quality and customer satisfaction. Step 5 - Process Mapping and Improvement
Map out your organization's processes and identify areas for improvement. Define process owners and establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure process effectiveness. Continuously monitor and analyse these processes for potential improvements. Step 6 - Risk-Based Thinking
Adopt a risk-based approach to identify and address risks and opportunities related to your QMS. Conduct a risk assessment to identify potential risks & opportunities, evaluate their impact, and implement appropriate controls to mitigate risks and maximise opportunities. Regularly review and update the risk assessment as needed. Step 7 - Implementation and Control
Implement the necessary changes to your QMS based on the action plan developed in Step 2. This may involve revising procedures, updating work instructions, or implementing new processes. Establish control measures to monitor and measure process performance and ensure compliance with ISO 9001 requirements. Step 8 - Internal Audit
Conduct regular internal audits to assess the effectiveness of your QMS. Internal auditors should be independent and impartial, ensuring that audits are conducted objectively. Identify non-conformities and take corrective actions to address them. Step 9 - Management Review
Hold periodic management reviews to evaluate the performance of your QMS. Top management should assess the suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of the QMS and identify opportunities for improvement. Use the outputs of management reviews to drive continual improvement. Step 10 - Certification and Continual Improvement
Engage a reputable certification body to conduct an external audit of your QMS. If the audit is successful, you will receive ISO 9001 certification. However, certification is not the end goal. Continually seek opportunities for improvement, listen to customer feedback, and strive to enhance your QMS and overall organizational performance.

Remember, implementing ISO 9001 requires a commitment to continual improvement and a culture of quality throughout the organization. It is a journey rather than a one-time task, and success lies in the ongoing dedication to meeting customer needs and enhancing organizational performance.
Steps to your ISO 9001 certification:

Before you can initiate the certification process, your organisation will need to implement a quality management system according to ISO 9001 requirements and its effectiveness must be thoroughly documented.

For the certification process itself, the following steps have been established:
1. Documentation review audit: TECHNICAL SAFETY evaluates your documentation and company records
2. On-site audit: TECHNICAL SAFETY reviews the compliance of your actual activities to ISO 9001 requirements and company records.
3. Close the gap: Your organisation identifies and implements measures to correct the root cause of any non-conformances identified by the audit
4. Certification issuance: TECHNICAL SAFETY issues the ISO 9001 certification and certification mark
5. Surveillance audits: Annual audit required to maintain certification validity (Unannounced audits may occur in special cases)
ISO 9001 certification is not mandatory for businesses, but it can be very beneficial. Certified companies generally boast a higher level of customer satisfaction, and ISO certification is required to win big contracts in certain sectors.
For companies in some industries, ISO certification may be required by law or contractually. Even if that’s not the case, conforming to ISO standards has many benefits for businesses:

• Saving time and money by identifying and solving recurring problems
• Improving system and process efficiency
• Increasing customer satisfaction
• Being more competitive when tendering for contracts
• Getting more value out of all resources
• Boosting your credibility in the eyes of your customers
The short answer? Between $3000 and $7000.
But as you can see from that wide bracket, ISO 9001 certification cost varies widely depending on several factors.
We include vital tasks often overlooked, bypass common mistakes, skip unnecessary Gantt charts and task force meetings, and simplify ISO 9001 for you. The steps are:

Step 1: Preparation
We start by laying the foundation for successful ISO 9001 certification, focusing on important activities activities such as training, conducting gap analyses, and planning.
Step 2: Documentation
Writing the required documentation is often considered the most difficult and time-consuming implementation step. At this point you will need to interpret every ISO 9001 requirement in the context of your company and develop custom procedures.
Step 3: Implementation
The implementation phase involves introducing the new procedures to affected employees and aiding them in adapting and improving their work processes accordingly. During this phase your company should see numerous process improvements and efficiency gains.
Step 4: Internal Audit
Internal audits serve as self-inspections to ensure the effective implementation of your ISO 9001 system across the company. A complete internal audit is mandatory before certification.
Step 5: Certification
ISO 9001 certification is awarded by an independent and accredited registrar following a successful certification audit. This step encompasses selecting the registrar, preparing for the two-stage certification audit, and undertaking activities related to marketing and sustaining your certification.
You gain ISO 9001 certification in five easy steps; preparation, documentation, implementation, internal audits, and finally, certification.
Being ISO 9001 certified means that your organization is able to effectively maintain a quality management system (QMS) according to ISO 9001 standards. However, getting to this point can be a time, and effort-consuming process, so many companies question whether or not getting ISO 9001 certified is even worth all the trouble.

Is ISO 9001 certification worth it? Although the process of becoming ISO 9001 certified can be long and seem challenging at times, it can be well worth the effort. However, whether or not ISO 9001 certification is right for your business depends on your organization.

Being ISO 9001 certified provides more advantages than you would think, but just as many disadvantages as well, depending on the company. It is up to senior management to determine whether or not the outcome of being ISO 9001 certified will be worth the effort. If your organization is not sure whether ISO 9001 certification is the best way to go, the following is a list of pros and cons.


1. Understand Your organization
2. Focus More on Quality
3. Improve Company Operations
4. Improve Your Products and Services
5. Improve Morale and Job Satisfaction
6. Improve Customer Satisfaction
7. Earn More Revenue
8. Save More Money


1. The Certification Process can be Complicated
2. Becoming Certified takes Time
3. Becoming Certified takes Effort
4. There is a Lot of Bureaucracy Involved
5. Certification Requires Greater Accountability
6. ISO 9001 Certification can be Too Expensive for Smaller Companies
7. It is Not Suitable for Service Industries
8. There are Few Short-term Results
Below given are the best practices to guide businesses to employ at their organisation for effective quality management:

• Obtain Leadership Commitment
• Foster Employee Engagement
• Conduct Thorough Gap Analysis
• Define Clear Quality Objectives
• Develop Robust Documentation System
• Implement Effective Process Controls
• Encourage Continuous Improvement
• Conduct Regular Internal Audits
• Engage in Supplier Management
• Pursue Certification

ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety

The participants of this course will learn how to manage and implement health related safety of workers and eliminate any work related accidents and diseases in industries.

ISO/IEC 17020 Conformity Assessment for Inspection Bodies.

This training is intended for those who are seeking knowledge in the inspection field, in this course the participants will learn how to conduct inspection based on the international standard.

ISO/IEC 17065 Conformity Assessment for Products Certification Bodies.

This course will provide the participants with sufficient information about the procedures and requirements of the product certification schemes to understand the conformity assessment process and auditing schemes.

ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System

The course will help participants to identify, reduce, and prevent food hazards throughout the food chain to insure the safety and quality of the food at all stages.

ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

The applicants of this course will learn to improve their environmental impact, and control the hazards raising from their organizations activities.
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Third Party Inspection Certification
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